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Monday, May 24, 2010

The Time to Get Past a Broken Heart Is Now

Have you recently being dumped? You are still not able to get past a broken heart? Do you feel like there’s nothing left for you in this world now that your ex has left you? If you feel like you won’t be a whole person anymore, then it’s important that you read this.

Do you have a difficult time getting past your break up? You don't think that the world would keep moving forward and needed to know what you could do. Well, it’s true…a breakup can indeed put your world into a tailspin. Everything can seem out of control. Your job, your schooling, your family and your friends may all seem out of reach to you. However, even during this difficult time you can keep your senses straight as long as you remember these three things.

First, remind yourself everyday that life does go on and you have to stay a part of it. That means do the things you would normally do. Go to school, go to work, hang out with friends…do things that seem normal so you can get over the loss and heal your broken heart faster.

Second, figure out what you want in life. Would you like to get your ex back or would you rather move on and see if there is someone out there who is a much better match for you? It’s important that this gets figured out.

If you have chosen to move on with your life without your ex, then just remember that sitting on the couch eating bon-bons, dreaming about what once was, is not going to help you get over losing your ex or get past a broken heart.

Third, if you feel the need to, change your look. I have a good friend who said when she divorced her husband; she needed to cut off her hair. She felt as if it were a reminder of the past she didn’t want to go back to. She not only cut 10 inches off but she also colored it black. She said it was something else he did not approve of. While you don’t have to justify your change of looks, you certainly can feel better about yourself doing it.

Remember that it can be difficult to remain in control of your senses when you have been dumped. However, now you need to get past your broken heart and move forward with your future positively. You have a choice to make and the time is NOW.

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