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Monday, May 17, 2010

3 Ancient Date Ideas You Can Use In The Modern World

Are you tired of rehashing the same old dating ideas? Do you want to try something different, something creative, fun and full of laughter? If so, all you have to do is revisit the ancient world. Today, we're fascinated with technology, theaters, fancy restaurants and loud bars. However, something can be said for simplicity and romance. Below you'll find 3 ancient date ideas that you can use in the modern world.

The Tree Date

You can't get any more old school than sitting in a tree. The only difference is you don't have to worry about predators looking to eat your butt! If you're a handy man or woman, this date idea is perfect.

Using some wood, create your own love nest in the bow of a tree. You can use a tree in your backyard or look for one in a forest near you. The tree house doesn't have to be elaborate to be romantic and you don't have to be Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor to build it either.

Once you've built it, stock it with an icebox, some lanterns and a few blankets. The next time you're looking for a cheap but romantic date, take your man or woman to your tree house. It's guaranteed to impress.


Let's face it: medieval is cool. If you take out the raping, pillaging and constant threat of disease, the medieval world is a great place to get some dating ideas.

There are plenty of restaurants that cater to the medieval world. You can dress up as a damsel or knight, fight with wooden swords and drink from dented metal chalices. You could even create your own medieval world, right at home. You could rent a costume, or make one yourself.

Native American Dating

The third ancient dating idea is borrowed from the Native Americans. I'm sure you've seen pictures of the teepee. Why not take your date out for a hike, and build a lean-to? It's easy enough to do, as any boy scout will tell you. Once you've built the lean-to, build a fire. You could even go so far as creating your own rain dance! Roast marshmallows by the light of your flickering campfire, sip some wine and have an amazing time.

These three ancient dating ideas are sure to bedazzle any date. You'll look creative, handy and fun!

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